Absolutely phenomenal. A loyal fan base, very high skill ceiling, incredible gameplay, AND loving developers, what more could you want in a game? Additionally the very low storage requirements and modding capabilities / Endorsement giving it a very wide window for people to enjoy it. Terraria has to be my overall favorite game of ALL TIME, with 2000+ hours on both Vanilla and Modded. Terraria has some of the widest range of choice you can have in a game while incorporating a somewhat linear progression. There are so many ways to play the game, do you want to focus on dodging attacks? Play as a summoner. Or do you like the glass cannon playstyles? Play as a Mage. The countless ways to play alongside the THOUSANDS of items makes a very diverse and infinitely replayable experience. And did I mention there's multiplayer? So you can have everything that's already great with some Friends? There is a point where you WILL hit the skill ceiling and get too good for the normal experience, but there's some solutions. The first being the Difficulty. You can play on a Softcore (Drop money on death), Mediumcore (Drop items on death), or Hardcore (Die PERMANENTLY) character. Then you choose world difficulty. Classic, Expert, and Master. Each with their own specialties. Then you have Secret Seeds, the ultimate challenge, a true test of willpower and skill. Genuinely one of the best experiences in the industry. 11/10
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