Cyber Manhunt - At First Glance

Cyber Manhunt plays out like the found-phone mystery genre where you have to look for something in a layout that is similar to the devices we're using just to solve the mystery at hand.
The game starts off with an animated intro of sorts that really sets you in the theme. As a hacker extraordinaire, you are tasked by your employer to look into cases through unconventional and possibly unethical means.
Even the title and loading screen just oozes that mystery hacker vibe that it's going for.
Gameplay-wise, it works like your standard point-and-click mystery where you try to click on keywords that could be relevant for the case.
You also have an arsenal of programs to help you crack passwords, phish for data, and even pose anonymously as someone else all for the sake of gathering information.
I just really like how much attention to detail was given to really sell you the idea that you are a hacker in your natural habitat.
Still, as with the other games, I was a bit peeved by some of the text structure especially prior the game started. Also, some of the headlines back in the intro were overlapping the page that they were in. Might be intentional but devs should still take a loon into it. Still, unlike some, the text never really hindered my understanding of the fundamental game mechanics and I managed to enjoy the game beyond the translation lapses.
Honestly, I didn't get to submit this review earlier before the vote because I was busy throughout most of my day. It's just that this game really managed to hook me in so much that I still would vouch for it in this review regardless.
Really looking forward to playing the full version of this game as soon as it launches!
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