Undawn:Guide to Survival Action

Dear players, we have a new challenge for you! This time, it's on a isolated and mysterious island where danger is everywhere. And it's up to you to survive!
Your objective first and foremost for this operation is to stay alive!
Survival Action Key Vision
Survival Action comprises two parts: Island Survivor and Friendship Training. Utilize your survival experience to achieve the best performance and better rewards as well.
Island Survivor: Survive to the End
Island Survivor is a solo challenge that is available between 04:00 and 23:59 daily. There are two zones you can explore here: the Stable Zone and the Forbidden Zone.
The Stable Zone, which is the less risky of the two, becomes increasingly manageable as the days go by during the event. However, that does not mean that you completely safe.
There are three stages to complete here: 1D1N (1 day, 1 night), 2D2N, and 3D3N. Take part in this challenge to earn Survivor Medals, enhancement materials, and Silver coin. Complete the 3D3N challenge and successfully evacuate from the zone to get the Dawn Survivor title.
1、The Stable Zone: Easier to Tackle
When entering the Stable Zone, the player cannot bring any gear, enhancements, skills, or items from main game mode. Instead, once they spawn in the zone, they can start looking for gear and other useful items, as well as gather various resources to craft meds and other items in the wilderness.
During the daytime in the Stable Zone, both enemy activity level and numbers are fairly low, so players can use this time to gather resources or travel to the next area. At night, however, the number of enemies significantly increases, and these enemies will also attack the player actively, so we recommend that you keep yourself safe at this time by making full use of the buildings and terrain around you.
Contamination is a persistent problem in the zone, and high contamination levels will drain the player of HP over time. Contamination levels also rise more quickly during the night time, and the use of anti-contaminants is a must. Again, you can hide out in buildings to slow down the effects of contamination.
In addition, you can find tons of useful supplies, including weapons, materials, and anti-contaminants at gas stops as well as in towns and barns.
At the end of the three-day-three-night period, the player will have to get to the helicopter at the factory to evacuate from the Stable Zone. Remember that several zombies lurk in the factory, so be extremely cautious and use open spaces to kite them!
2. The Forbidden Zone: A Harder Challenge
While the rules for Forbidden Zone are similar to those of Stable Zone, one key difference is that the player will not be able to evacuate from the Forbidden Zone. Furthermore, the Forbidden Zone becomes increasingly challenging each day, so do your very best to survive!
Pro tip:
Players who take up the challenge will be ranked based on the time they manage to survive in the respective zone, and those who are among the top players for the Forbidden Zone will earn great rewards such as special titles, coupons, equipment enhancement materials, and the precision locator!
Friendship Training: A Duo Operation
In Friendship Training, two players work together on four challenges that take place throughout the week.
1、Occupy the High Tower
Occupy the High Tower is available on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, from 04:00 to 23:59, during the event period. Rewards are reset each day.
Work together with your teammate to ascend and occupy the high tower with the aid of tools such as ladders to earn rewards such as Silver, Survivor Medals, and reinforcement scales.
2、Survive and Rescue
Survive and Rescue is available on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from 04:00 to 23:59, during the event period. Rewards are reset each day.
Work together with your teammate to repair the vehicle, and use it to rescue the members of the exploration team to earn rewards such as Silver, Survivor Medals, and accessory blueprints.
3、Shooting Training
Shooting Training is available Mondays to Fridays, from 04:00 to 23:59, during the event period. Rewards are reset each day.
In Shooting Training, get as many points as possible by hitting the high-point balloons. Rewards include Silver, Survivor Medals, and enhancement materials.
4、Shooting Contest
Shooting Contest is available every Saturday and Sunday, from 04:00 to 23:59. Complete the contest to earn Silver Coin, Survivor Medals, and polishing materials. The rules of Shooting Training also apply to Shooting Contest, and players are ranked by the number of points obtained.
Players who rank among the top 500 by the end of the contest each week will receive rewards such as coupons, enhancement materials, and Ravens Supplies Chests. Players may look up their ranking in the Survival Star Rankings.
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