One, it's Brand New, so I can learn every player before they get too cocky, I can help keep Ego's in check. Don't want another Starlord Sr. runnin' around Thanosing people, do we? Alright, I've made it punny, can't help it, but the second reason why this is a Want is because The Devs Of It Might Actually Listen To Me And Let Me Help Them Perfect It.... They're So Close-minded, I Dare Them To Bring Me In.... And that's a Formal Challenge to The Division's Bosses...! Video Games Have Literally Taught Me So Much More Than Social Skills And How To Swear Without Offending People and instead sometimes making them laugh, Multiplayers force you to play fair, not cheat, and maybe make a friend, kudos if you make more than a few, that's the goal! Morally Good Devs get the most excitement when players get Muscle Memory's and real-world skills from their game, because those players could become employees because why the hell not? lololol
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