Frankly, I do not see what the fuss is about here.  Yes, the graphics are great, but I have some complaints that are far more relevant to the enjoyment of the game.
Metria's frame rate is unreliable and generally poor in comparison to games of a similar graphical tier like Aether Gazer.  No matter how beautiful the visuals are, frame rate undercuts that value.  Generally I like to play a game, not just stare at it, and I would prefer a smoother experience.
The world is ostensibly open, but it's far from the borderless grandeur of titles like Genshin or Tower of Fantasy.  Thus far, I see only exploration in 2 dimensions, i.e. the world is pretty much flat, and while there is a button to jump, I don't really need to do it to get anywhere.  I don't see any mobility mechanics.  I don't see distant features that invite me to explore.
What I do see on the map is a smattering of baddies that do not seem to care if I march around in their territory.  I know this is practically industry standard now, but it really ruins any impression of danger the enemies could pose.  If you're way over levelled, they don't have to flee in terror, but having them all totally ignore you unless you attack them individually regardless of how the measure up is very lame.  They're just milling around, waiting patiently for you to pick a fight, if you feel inclined.
Once you do pick a fight, the enemies STILL do a whole lot of just standing there right in front of you.  If you give them enough time, they can attack you, but they are in no hurry.  This is probably for the best, because combat in Metria feels awkward, unnatural feeling, and unresponsive.  The time scale of dodging just doesn't match up with the pace of battle, there are mismatches between forward combo motion and knock back effect, and there really aren't a lot of degrees of freedom in total.  There are characters with different roles, but if only one is on the field at any time, you can't really divide duties, can you?  There doesn't seem to be any progression for character skills, either, so apparently you will just have to keep buying new characters until you find something that suits your style.  None of that criticism is by any means unique to Metria, but it is objectively not cool.
The plot is fine, I guess.  It has promise, but the translation seems a little dry, and it's not so interesting that I'm motivated just to see what happens.
Overall, Metria is another action RPG that doesn't really do well at action.  If it wasn't for the fact that I've seen other reviews pitching it as the next Genshin, I definitely would not bother to write a review.
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the problem is.. the graphics aren't great. and the HUD is 🤢
David Hand
David Hand
I was more than happy with the graphics, but to each one's own. If you own modern consoles that model every blade of grass and bead of sweat at 4k, I can see where you would be disappointed.
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