As a person who have played both glb and cn(even spend money). The game is very good at the start but slowly turn into p2w aspect. Especially the new weap system now create a huge distance between low , mid pay and absolute whales. I'm not saying they need to pay in order to get good stuffs. Bosses and mobs will scale with new cons power and they are very high demand(some seriously need SS3 and sig) in cn rn if you don't pay for SSS and above I don't even think you can survive leader. Another personal opinion is I still prefer old style cons more because they very fit the post apocalyptic world. But new cons just very overpowered and idk less unique. But anyway if you don't care about rewards that much and REALLY just want to enjoy characters then it is still fine but if you want to actually make some progress then yeah in near future you need to pay more or less
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