VHS-era sci-fi is making a big comeback in games

If you did any of your growing up in the ’90s, you probably remember the “pre-Netflix era.” For you youngsters out there, that was back when we had to go to a physical store to find movies to watch at home. These were usually called Blockbuster, but there were always local places that had names like Video Circus or Family Video.
The reason I bring these relics from the not-too-distant past up is because we’ve had an unexpected renaissance of what I like to call “VHS-era sci-fi” in games lately. These are games based on movies I watched on videotape, the big plastic kind that came in a cardboard sleeve and had a sticker on it reminding you to rewind it before you brought it back to the shop. RoboCop, Aliens, Predator, The Last Starfighter—these were movies I saw on fuzzy CRT screens and had to adjust the tracking knob so that they’d quit scrolling crazily across the curved glass.
We’re in the middle of this little resurgence, so I’ve put together a list that includes games you can play right now as well as games that are coming out in the near future. If you’ve ever dumped an armload of VHS cassettes into a Blockbuster return bin, this list is for you.
[List created by @Ian Boudreau]
Robocop and Aliens Dark Decent looks really fun. I don't care for how they've made a lot of the horror themed games a copy of DBD instead of making an actual game.
I'm totally with you on this. Like I enjoy Dead by Daylight, but ... that game already does what it does so well! I don't need a whole sub-genre of multiplayer games trying to ape the same style.
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