Every Time James Cross-Dressed (Part2)

Welcome back, Pokémon fans! We're here with the much-anticipated Part 2 of James' unforgettable cross-dressing adventures. Get ready to be amazedi🤩
1. 💍 Love is in the air! But wait, there's a twist. Team Rocket shows up, cross-dressing as a newlywed bride and groom.
2. 💅James disguises himself as an old lady and Meowth as a baby, hoping to appeal to Misty.
3. ❎ Breaking in, in style! Team Rocket always finds a unique way to make an entrance, and this time they smashes a nearby window to get into the lab and performs their iconic motto.
4. 🕵️‍♂️With their trusty disguises, Team Rocket stealthily makes their move, snatching the torch right from under everyone's noses.
5. 💨Team Rocket disguise themselves as Nurse Joys and run off with Vanillite
💭 Which disguise of James made you burst out laughing the most? Leave your comment below!
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