Reshaping the fabric of reality using photographs and drawings | First Impressions - Viewfinder

Viewfinder is a first-person adventure game that offers players an extraordinary experience of mind bending perceptions and reshaping the fabric of reality. The game introduces players to a world where photography becomes their key to manipulating the environment, solving puzzles, and finding answers to solving an impossible question.
Viewfinder's gameplay revolves around the use of photographs and related tools that empowers players to reshape the environment by bringing photographs, sketches, paintings, and other visuals into life. The core mechanic is easy to grasp, making it accessible to players of all skill levels.
Observation is a key aspect of the gameplay, you must analyze your environment carefully, the photography related tools available at your disposal, and the actual photographs available in the world to utilize. Once a deduction is made, you must place that photograph into the world and watch it come to life and modify the level physically.
Mind-bending? yes. Innovative mechanics? yes. If you're looking for an adventure or puzzle game with fresh mechanics you've literally never seen before and waiting to blow your mind... Viewfinder might be the one you're looking for. Bonus points for those who love photography.
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LyvyaILa 🎐
LyvyaILa 🎐
is this a mobile or pc game?
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