【Soul Core story】Glut, the Black Coffin:Volume 1

A Frost Giant carrying the Sinner's Coffin on her back, she was once the leader of the night patrol of the Kingdom of「Froster」, as well as the younger sister to the queen.
After the「Ancestor」 Ymir met her death at Odin's hands,she fled with Kraken. They built up a clan together, which she guarded every night.
One day, Kraken made a decision that Grid could not bring herself to accept: to turn over the position of clan leader to an outsider—Caxias.As the most qualified to succeed Kraken as the leader,Grid was convinced that the clan's future would be extinguished in his hands.
At Kraken's earnest persuasion, Caxias surrendered the key to the unbreakable「wall」 and Grid reluctantly submitted to the leadership of the new clan leader. However, this also laid the groundwork for impending disaster.
After Caxias took up the position of the clan leader, he led the tribe's warriors on campaigns in all directions. Grid, seeing how he charged at the front line with her own eyes, gradually shifted her stance on this outsider.
After Caxias unified the descendants of the Frost Giants, the Kingdom of「Froster」was established. After becoming king, the first thing that Caxias did was to render tribute to Asgard.
Grid, who had originally believed him to be a hero, did not expect him to be the same as herself: fearful of the formidable Aesir. She was utterly disappointed.
However, as their strength increased, the Frost Giants were freed from the old age of barbarism. Caxias, with the help of a ritual called「the Sacrifice」, rose up an incredibly powerful legion and invaded the human kingdoms that worshiped the gods.
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Aboud cat7
Aboud cat7
I'm fed up. I've been waiting for a game to be released since 2021. It hasn't been released yet. How long will a game be released
Blade of God
Blade of God
Blade of God
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. We are preparing for the final launch work, I believe you will be able to play soon.
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