This Taptap’s Pocket Playfest winner is set to release on August 9 | Strike Buster Prototype

Strike Buster Prototype is a retro style arcade wave shooter featuring combo-based combat and twin-stick shooter controls. It blends retro aesthetics with modern gameplay elements such as a physics system and twin stick controls. The game is already available on PC and Switch, with the mobile version finally coming very soon on August 9. During Taptap's Pocket Playfest 2023, Strike Buster Prototype also won the "Most Discussed" award, garnering over 4000 player reviews on the platform, which speaks volumes about the game's simple pick-up-and-play nature and accessibility. I was fortunate enough to have tried an Early Android build of the game and posted a review a few months ago, rating the game four out of five stars with the following summary: “Strike Buster Prototype successfully combines the best elements of retro arcade shooters with modern gameplay innovations. Its focus on combo accumulation, unique weapon types, and high scores provides a challenging and addictive gameplay experience. However, don’t expect a full-on game featuring a story or a campaign mode.” With its emphasis on high scores, combo accumulation, and weapon switching, this game offers an addictive yet challenging gameplay loop that will keep players coming back for more, starting this August 9.
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Hau Ngot
Hau Ngot
So this game is just that, why don't you let me access the menu with characters?
TapTap Creator
only the demo is available, full version coming aug 9!
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