【Soul Core story】Abraham, the Black Market:Volume 1

A profit-minded merchant who travels the Void
carrying all sorts of curios on his person.
As the sole merchant in the「Colossus' Library」,
his only friend is the chattering squirrel
that has long made its residence atop his head.
Privately, however, he has already set a price for this friend—
all he is waiting for is a suitable buyer.
His motto in life is:
「Everyone has a price.
The only difference is whether you've named it.」
It is said that after Ragnarok
he and the library Moderator struck a bargain—
a treasure in exchange for a place to stay.
According to him, there was once an honest and upright merchant
who ran his grocery business by the books.
He often extended credit to poor and troubled customers
and was hailed as the only kindhearted merchant in the kingdom,
even receiving medals and honors from the merchants guild.
The merchant's wife, however, was not pleased with this.
She believed that the merchant did nothing but help people,
and that always running at a loss would drive them into poverty sooner or later.
The merchant had no response to his wife's complaints,
and continued to quietly go about his usual business.
One day, his trusted employee suddenly left without saying a word,
taking with him all the store's inventory and revenue at a huge loss to the merchant.
The landlord then came to the Gate demanding rent,
but when the merchant approached his former customers to settle their tabs,
he received no payment, with each and every one of them saying:
「You're the most kindhearted merchant there is, just give me a few more days.」
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