Have played this game for some while now so I'll be giving my thoughts on the game so far. I haven't completed it so there might be things I'm missing.This game really does deserve to be talked about more.
Gameplay: It's pretty fun. For the most part. I like rouge likes I think there a very cool type of game that this game does justice. Every run is different and unique. But it's also shares the negatives of other rouge likes that it can be just frustrating at times. Some random ass bullshit can just happen and you just have to hold it. The auto lock on works a lot better than I thought it would. I like the heavy inspiration for the Binding of Isaac with the "wisdom and violence system" but of the 2 wisdom seems the weakest. Also the auto pre build mechanic in this game are souvenirs with are pretty interesting to develop a specific build but neo coins which are needed to unlock souvenirs become much harder to obtain the more you advance through the game.
Difficulty: This game has a few difficulty jumps from time to time but it's usually pretty fair. But there a few levels in the "Fitting drill" game mode that really felt like a chore to complete. And other levels felt just straight up unfair and not fun to complete. But for the majority it's pretty fair. Also the final boss for the "Neon Abbsy" more is something else. It's nothing like anything before it. But for the most part it's challenging enough that it's not easy nor annoying to complete.
Atmosphere: This game looks really nice all things considered. The intro cinematic is beautiful and instantly got me invested. The soundtrack is pretty great. My favorite one being "Welcome to hal". Enemy design is pretty cool but a bit repetitive. From what I seen most enemies don't have like names so it's kinda hard to describe them but I like the Teddy bear designs. The cyber punk theme is cool but needs expanding on. I also like the references that some items have like "Stark Module and "Howard Reactor' brought a smile on my face.
Story: Probably the weakest part of the game not much into it. You interact with characters at the bar and they give paragraphs of dialogue with after a while isn't fun to do. I forgot most of it. But I don't really expect mobile games to have a good story so this isn't that bad if a kill joy for me but if you expect a griping narrative prepare to be disappointed.
Performance: This game from time to time kinda runs like ass. Frame drops happen out of the blue and sometimes just straight game crashes but the game is still in development so I expect performance patches later.Also the Myth difficulty on the "Ragnarok" game mode for me is broken. When I die I get stuck on a black screen and when I win I get soft lock when the opening the last portal doesn't trigger. Im not sure if this is a isolatioed glitch with me or more common with other players.
Skill tree: For a game in early development it's fine. Right now it's pretty bare bones but I do expect it to be expanded on. I really do like the extra special rooms the skill tree adds game make it way more fun and enjoyable.
Pets: They exist I guess. Eggs in this game kinda feel forced like they need more time to be fleshed out because pets do very little. There damage output is minimal and don't feel that useful. The only drive to pickup eggs and pets is because some items give buffs and secondary effects depending on how many eggs / pets you have. Probably the best pet (not including the mega cosmic pet) is the Blue doctor which converts health into shield. But still they don't hurt having in the game. Expect Peter. Fuck Peter
Characters: I'm a be really with you 95% of my play through I mainly played Wade because I'm hard carried by old camera ( Wade's signature ability) and I have no ideas how to play without such a key defensive resource. To my knowledge there are 3 free characters. Wade being the one you start with and 2 others you unlock with daily logins. All other characters need to be paid for with is how this game is monetized. I really can't give my opinion on the characters of this game because I've only played Wade.
Monetization: I feel like this game is pretty fairly monetized. I haven't spent a dime on this game and I'm having a blast and if I really wanted to I could spend money on characters and experience the game again differently through a different set of starting weapons and character unique skills. Also cosmetics are sold for yet again a pretty fair price.
All things said if this game gets consistent updates and additions this game has an incredible bright future. And I can't wait for more. I would love to see the skill tree expended. And more cinematics because the intro was a real treat to see.
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