Fresh new experience! If you like detective novels, you should try this game

I've played my fair share of word puzzle games in the past, which only offered preset response options, severely limiting player agency.
The use of AI in AI Suspects is quite clever. It provides a wholly different experience. You can ask the AI suspects anything, and they respond in real-time with human-like dialogue. No longer are interactions predetermined - the AI conversation unfolds organically.
While I appreciate the six round limit per AI forcing strategic question formulation to elicit crucial clues, part of me wishes for extended discussions. Speaking with the AI suspects proves intriguing, and I find myself wanting to learn more of their perspectives.
So far I've solved four cases, each offering unique puzzles to solve. Yet over 40 cases await, ensuring ample mysteries to keep me occupied for months to come. The developers have crafted a compelling game that simultaneously challenges and engages players through cutting-edge AI technology. I look forward to continuing my detective work.
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Thank you for your comment! We're happy to hear you enjoy conversing with AI. As you noted, we set a limit of 6 questions per conversation to help balance gameplay. This round limit aims to challenge players while still allowing for engaging discussions. We'll keep working to expand the game experience over time, so please look forward to upcoming additions.
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