Goddess of Shadow Heroic Backstory of Valkyrie

Valkyrie is obedient to Odin and resides in the divine realm of the Hall of Heroes. However, in times of external invasion, they raise their swords and become the strongest defenders of the divine realm.
One day, they received a command from their master Odin to venture into various parts of the adventurous continent to seek out the fallen heroes of the human race.
Above the Plains of the Rising Sun, a river of blood flows. Just after a war has ended here, countless bodies lie in pools of blood. Points of light converge in the sky, and Valkyrie appears riding swift horses.
Valkyrie dismounts bestows kisses upon the fallen, and guides their spirits to the Hall of Heroes, allowing them to become members of the divine army of heroes.
From that moment on, Valkyrie begins to serve the heroes in the Hall of Heroes, and the heroes start receiving training from the divine army, gradually becoming members of the heroic forces.
This is in preparation for the prophesied "Twilight of the Gods" that Odin foresaw. When that time comes, Valkyrie will raise their swords high, leading the army of heroes to the war of the gods, guarding the last line of defense in the divine realm, and becoming a steadfast force against the enemies.
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