Goddess of Shadow Heroic Backstory of Rota

Rota, the creator of humanity, firmly believed that humans, endowed with the wisdom bestowed by Athena, would one day transcend the existence of the gods. But before that could happen, sacrifices were required to pave the way for humanity, and Rota was willing to sacrifice himself for his beliefs.
Zeus, disliking Rota's human-centric view, refused to grant humans the essential element for survival - fire. Rota knew that without fire, humanity would eventually perish. He resolved to steal the spark from the gods.
Hiding himself with a sprig of fennel in a place where Apollo's sun chariot passed daily, Rota secretly obtained the divine flame as the sun passed by and gifted it to humanity.
Upon learning of this, Zeus was furious. To maintain his authority among the gods, he chose not to execute Rota but rather had him bound to a cliff in the Caucasus Mountains. A vulture would feast upon his liver daily, only for it to regenerate each night, a torment to last for thirty thousand years.
Heracles was determined to save Rota. To ensure Zeus didn't continue punishing him, Heracles voluntarily took on Rota's sentence for thirty thousand years.
Zeus, moved by this act, decided to no longer pursue Rota's theft of the divine flame. However, Rota would forever bear an iron ring and chains as a symbol of his punishment.
"My determination cannot be thwarted, even by gods!"
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