This game has beautiful graphics and beautiful places BUT the bullshit from cheating putting players level 100 with 70 level players is bull we are capped these players aren't capped this game is becoming my least favorite to even open up they promised so much during the beta testing it's going to fair no cheating is going to be allowed if players are caught they are banned they haven't done crap I do not no spend money on this game I play for fun to escape REAL LIFE then you get hardly any points because you have players turning on tabs to make them suck the points come on now I have been playing mobile games for a long time and this game tops the cake for the developers not caring but as long as you spend spend spend that money you will be heard well not for me sorry they need to start paying attention to their world chat and people sending reports about cheating it's getting bad and they are about to lose me and my husband I am sorry but UNDAWN DEVELOPMENT TEAM DO SOMETHING make PVP equal make everything about team work instead of who has the biggest dicks or the biggest wallet
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