Snowbreak: CZ just another bad game?

Honestly it's an okish game
Only reason I continued playing pass chapter 1 is because I'm obsessed with Fenny. Reminds me a lot of Asuka attitude from Eva.
Opinion on the game
First impression
When I first initially launched it I was like what is this dog shit looking ass game with with terrible mechanics. Tweaking settings for controls and graphics made it somewhat barely passable.
The Gameplay
Then Fenny was introduced with her shortgun gameplay and I was like ok this isn't so bad. But still it's pretty clunky on mobile and the game doesn't really look pleasing besides Fenny. The main Wednesday girl is bland asf. The variety of classes are nice but I think I'll have to test out the PC client because I just didn't enjoy the movement on mobile and the weird auto aim.
The story
Honestly I didn't like that the game forced me to play the entire chapter 1 before allowing me to reap the mail rewards and summon, but it is what it is. The story is mid but they are some cool actual cutscenes and honestly the fact that the game VN like cutscenes aren't voice helps it, cause you can read at a much faster pace, especially with how mediocre the story is. I'm on chap 2 and it's gotten a tad bit interesting but you can always skip and read the short summary which is a god send for this.
Final thoughts
It's not a permanent play, but it is better than Aether Gazer visually for sure and story too I'm sure... So you could kill time with this till something better comes along the way like the official release of Reverse 1999 or something else. All in all I can't say much about the longevity and the how intense the grind system will be, but what I can say for sure is I won't be playing long enough to know!
Mentioned games
Fenny is definitely my favorite character in the game. The game wasn't what I expected in a good way and I've been playing the game since release but for the past month I haven't touched it at all because the game fails to keep me hooked. The touch controls are ass but luckily there's controller support. As for long term, it's true the game gets boring probably because I'm more into fighting games with shooters being my second favorite but this game is just hard to open nowadays and this was a game I was excited for.
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It is the epitome of a just okay game. It feels pretty cool for a few levels then it feels really repetitive. The characters felt kind of uninspired and plain. It's not a bad game but I set my expectations way too high for it I think.
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