🌟Dear Travelers, we have developed a lot of new content in the upcoming global launched version, and we will first introduce one of the highlights of this update - the Season system.
🚩What are Seasons? Much like when you're running around adventuring, we want to keep your experiences in the "Campaign" of Adenthia fresh and varied, including ever-changing plots and environments. Seasons are episodic experiences, each one offering players something complete and fresh.
⭐⭐A Season will initially run for 12-14 weeks. Other Seasons will see inclusions of the following:
✨New narrative content: New maps, new stories, new bosses, and all-new heroes and new populations!
✨New collaborations: We'll gradually be introducing licensed DND crossovers with Drizzt, Elminster and other heroes who are visiting Adenthia.
✨Combat companions: Players from other planes can join the Season adventure and aid you in your crusade against an ancient boss or compete for glory in the arena!
✨Reroll: A herculean strongman with all points in Strength can become a wizened Scholar with significant Intelligence!
✨Elemental Affinity Rotation: Affinities among elements change between Seasons. For example, in S0, Ice and Poison may have an affinity, but come S1, Ice might instead have an affinity with Necrosis. It will impact combat strategy dramatically!
✨Resetting Game Resources: The reset is to ensure gameplay doesn't become stale. Once a Season is closed and totaled up, everyone will receive a boatload of goodies! (That includes limited and exclusive rewards).
#dragonheir #dragonheirsilentgods #preregister
💫Dragonheir: Silent Gods will be globally launched on September 19th! Pre-register NOW:
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