Hello Everyone, I am Unknown Man and today im going to share some of my build in Mobile Legends Bang Bang. I am fighter main in the game and here is what I got from my experience: Terizla is a great hero with high damage output and tanky defense. His ult also a decent CC, having both knockup and misplacement. Allowing a pretty good combo with heroes like Arlott and Phoveus. What make him a good roamer? There a few reason for this:
1. His passive allow giving him 1% damage reduction  for every 3.5% lost hp which a very good thing to have. Damage reduction reduce all damage by percentage, except true damage. This allow him to take more damage during teamfight.
2.His second skill damage scaling is very big. with the second skill having 300% total physical attack at last hit.
Here is my build:
The spell and boot can be change according to your situation. same goes with the battle spell. I recommend Flicker. I use vengeance cuz Usually I will have to soak damage longer due my team late attacking. Now lets talk about why I think this is a good Build. Lets look at the first item; Bloodlust Axe. First reason on why I pick Bloodlust as My first Item is it help Terizla sustainability, allowing him to stay alive longer in fight. also giving his skill more damage due to high scaling. However, if you want him to be more tanky, you can change this with Bloodwing which also have Spellvampp even though it weaker. Then we got dominance for antiheal and attack speed.
oracle to increase spellvamp heal
Athena shield for magic. Immortality for revive. Emblem recommended is fighter with blood festival. the other is up to you. but I recommend brave smite or impure rage for third slot and vitality for first one. That all for me. Have fun. Don't always look for win, look for good match.
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Unknown Man
Unknown Man
My Terizla is more intended for support rather than 1v1. Im sure yours better
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