【Producer Perspective】What's New in Blade of God 2 Compared to 1

Greetings guys, I know many of you faithful followers first took interest through the first installment.
So in this video I'll outline some of the key upgrades and refinements players can expect compared to Blade of God 1.
First and foremost, the visual upgrades are readily evident - we've really buffed up those graphics since the first go. Everything from character models to environments just pops more, if you catch my meaning.
Additionally, we've put some elbow grease into honing the combat systems and feedback. Swinging those weapons now feels positively meaty - expect to really feel those hits land!
All these refinements are aimed at drawing you further into the enchanting world of Blade of God 2. We want fighting foes and carrying out missions to feel vibrant and visceral.
About Blade of God II
The game is based on Nordic mythology. You will be one of the three inheritors, and traveling through the Soul Realm. This is a journey about sacrifice and redemption, and your choices after each battle will slightly change the fate of the Soul Realm. You will shuttle through three world lines: Voidom, Primglory, and Trurem, to finally achieve the original Attractor Field. And the monsters you defeated will transform into Soul Cores to make you stronger.
Inheritors, the gods were in oblivion at Ragnarok.
You, are the last guardian.
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