Played on : Xbox One
The Batman Arkham trilogy was a series of game I gruw up with and now, I want to talk about them.
I'll start by the end... Arkham Knight
1) The gameplay and the Story.
It's great and the fighting in this game is fun, they added a new mechanism that make the game wich are fear takedowns wich make you do multi-takedowns that you can use after your Fear meter is charged (gained by performing silent takedowns). There is also a batmobile but the mission where you have to use feel like it's just the game telling you "Look ! We have a batmobile ! Cool right ?" but who use it to be honnest ? No one, then there are the riddler trophies and it's a pain in the ass because there are 243 trophies to take and if you don't take them you wont get the true ending, so... good luck.
(Spoiler Zone)
Jason Todd being the Arkham Knight was a good but badly executed idea and I wasn't even shocked to see it was him because even before the release, the developper did a bad job keeping it a secret (They kept talking about Jason Todd not being in the game but NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT HIM !).
The story, there isn't a lot to say, I liked Scarecrow doing a comeback and being fucking a 100% more badass than in Arkham Asylum and he looked scary af, Robin was... here and Harley Quinn doing a comeback was meh... (Fun Fact for every gentleman out here, her 🍑 have giggle physics, don't ask me how I know that.)
Then there is the Joker, it was kinda tiring but good at the same time seeing him back.
And we will not speak about the fight against the tank in the Fear Toxin this mission gave me PTSD.
(End of the Spoiler Zone)
2)Sound design, OST and Graphics.
The game look good and a batman game never looked this good, the cape physics is perfect and the OST is a fucking banger, the sound design is cool too, there is nothing to criticize, it's perfect.
3)Should you play it ?
Yes, absolutly yes, this is a banger, but why is it only rated 4 stars out of 5 ? Because of the forced Batmobile moments and the few (246) Riddler trophies, other than that, it's perfect, trust me.
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