When will be released this game. This game was named together with genshin impact and has not been released until now, the other one came out and they have been constantly updating it.... Perp blue protocol at finsl has remained stagnant. I hope the wait is worth it.
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The Master Of Shaos
The Master Of Shaos
nop, I just want to play but i dont like when it says "game will ve released 2024"... then "game will ve released in 2025"... and again game will ve released 2026" It is better that they just say, "we want to give you a good game, without bugs, with good mechanics. For now, wait patiently." This way they avoid delivering a date that will not be true, in the end they make you feel bad compared to the fact that BLUE PROTOCOL has been naming it for the same time as Genshin Impact. They named it first but At the same time they did not say a date, but rather they are arranging things. Then they started saying that it has an estimated release date in a certain month. then the same thing and they delayed it more, They did the same thing over and over again. At least the first time they didn't stipulate a release date, but they did say that they would be improving the game, so let's be patient. I have been waiting patiently and another game did the same as this one, but obviously much better, on their platform they have not said a release date but they do show their progress. There they have done it intelligently, avoiding people have a distaste for false release dates. They should also require the platforms where their uses will be shared to avoid doing the same. They should only publish "coming soon" nothing more.
it got reworked to be mad in unreal 5
Pear Yuugure
Pear Yuugure
So u want a rushing game with bugs and crappy unfinished stuffs ?
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