【Soul Cores】Brunhilde

Soul Core system is a unique mechanic in Blade of God II:
The Soul Core system allows Inheritors to help monstrous enemies regain their humanity. By defeating aberrated foes in the Soul Realm, players can transform them back into rational forms which then pledge assistance.
These reformed allies bond to the Inheritor as Soul Cores, combat artifactschanneling gratitude for demonstrated mercy and valor. Equipped Soul Cores empower players in subsequent challenges.
This preview showcases one such Soul Core, Brunhilde:
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About Blade of God I
The game is based on Nordic mythology. You will be one of the three inheritors, and traveling through the Soul Realm. This is a journey about sacrifice and redemption. Choices made after each battle will subtly alter the fate of the Soul Realm. You will shuttle through three world lines: Voidom, Primglory, and Trurem, to finally achieve the original Attractor Field. Defeated monsters are transformed into Soul Cores, making Inheritors stronger for future challenges..
For the gods, Ragnarok brought only oblivion.
You, Inheritors, are now the last guardians.
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