Pinocchio meets Dark Souls | First Impressions - Lies of P

Lies of P offers a fresh twist on the classic story of Pinocchio, set against the backdrop of the enchanting 19th century Belle Époque era.  The game plunges players into the city of Krat, a place powered by the mysterious mineral Ergo but now plagued by a frenzy that has turned its puppet inhabitants against humanity. The game weaves a dark and compelling tale of a city torn apart by greed and the lust for power. As the silent Pinocchio, the player is tasked with navigating this perilous world while concealing and “lying” his true identity as a puppet. 
In many respects, Lies of P feels like a legitimate spiritual successor to Bloodborne, capturing the essence of its dark and macabre world while introducing its own evolved captivating narrative. The game's graphics and aesthetics are strikingly reminiscent of Bloodborne, with intricate and gothic-inspired architecture that exudes a sense of foreboding. Just as Bloodborne is known for its nightmarish creatures, Lies of P instead substitutes them with puppet robots that are equally eerie and menacing, adding a unique twist to the familiar Soulslike formula.
As a Soulslike game, Lies of P lives up to its genre's reputation for challenging gameplay. Combat is at the forefront, requiring precision, timing, and a keen understanding of enemy patterns. If you're familiar with the Souls-like games, you'll find yourself in familiar territory, with death lurking around every corner. Blocking and parrying is the more preferred option here instead of dodging, which makes this game a bit more challenging that your traditional Souls-like experience.
One of the most impressive aspects I've seen in Lies of P is definitely the performance. It ran buttery smooth at almost locked 144FPS framerate, it's almost unbelievable that I am getting these performances after such negative experiences in recent games, even in recent hits like Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3. So far, this game has been a frustratingly good experience, just like a true Souls-like game would be. If you like Souls-like game and are wanting for more, this game should be right up your alley.
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