Its great when the game works but that's frankly rare. Right now the game is still in it's beta stage and that will become very apparent very quickly to anyone who plays this game. Crashes, server issues, UI bugs, bugs in general, performance issues and overall unpolished look and feel can make this game a bit of a slog to play sometimes. HOWEVER, the few matches that are played out with few to no bugs are very fun. Later down the road when this game is finished I can definitely see it becoming one of my favorites. The way it rewards strategy and team cooperation instead of just pure mechanical repetition keeps everything fresh and difficult in a very satisfying way. As far as the graphics go they are actually pretty good but at the cost of performance and in some cases visibility. Some maps have weird lighting that makes enemies become completely invisible. Whether this is an intentional touch of realism or just a quirk of the engine I do not know, but it's irritating and should be fixed in my opinion. Also you have to get tickets to play operators out of ticket packs, which is a very tedious and frankly shady system. To so summarize it has a lot of potential but unless you are extremely eager to play this game it's probably better to wait for a global release on account of the game being unfinished.
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