The game story is mid,not bad but not good.
Voice acting is the only decent one what I can say about the game .
Roll drop rate is hillariously bad,owning hero as f2p literally impossible,because legendary hero drop rate is 2-7%
I got only one hero,after gambling the game system with 6+ alt account..
I Hope this tells much about the System.
Pre registration rewards will not optional to receive,the game just force you to go through the whole campaign,in order to receive pre registration rewards.
Arena,aka pvp is heavily monetized.
In t1 rank you already facing legendary heroes only teams ,and you have no chance against them.
Epic heroes are obtainable from events,but yet again,it is restricted behind a damage requirement wall.
For Example : you deal X ammount damage,you get on the leaderbord,and will have chance to obtain it.
Do I recommend the game ?
If you want to check out a baldurs gate like game just because the story,this is definetly worth it,for the story.
But besides that,there is no much anything else
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