Warhammer 40k Darktide has finally done it!

I wouldn't call this a bias or anything. I was never a huge fan of Left 4 Dead, but I was a big admirer of its community and all of the memes and content created for it. Darktide has had many ups and downs to reach to where it is today. The game originally released in 2022 and while it was poorly received for a variety of issues and incomplete features the gameplay was and still is one of the strongest selling point for those who stuck around and for those who remember. It's fun and engaging! I couldn't really get into it back in Beta because it didn't really feel like a community and well, I could barely even play it because the game just would not work half of the time. Nor were any of the players talkative or communicative.
Patch 13 has pushed this game to where it needs to be to be enjoyed for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours by individuals that enjoy challenging and a never-ending supplies of Horde gameplay that leave you delighted whether you win or lose.
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