My comment to this game is it's good but the only problem is that other hero have a longer rage attack than the other which make it super unfair I hope they'll fix this and make every rage attack equally, second the dash attack the ultimate problem, every player I incountered always do the many dash attack which is annoying especially when you just landed and they do this on in on until you die so what are we gonna do just avoid it where is the fun of that they should put a cooling down just like 2sec or something, the third problem is the cancellation of special ability is super annoying 😕 like you did many combo to unlock that ability and it just cancelled by one dumb attack they should put a immune shield or something,and lastly the very big problem is that when I play and I use shield it just crack even though the enemy is not hitting they should change it like the shield get weaker when it's been attack like what is the point of the shield and they should start nerfing heroes because sometimes the game is not balance but overall I give this game a 5/10 for the effort of the graphics and nice heroes design btw I hope this help improve the game and this is just my opinion that's all🙂
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DTP//Absolon  Mercator
DTP//Absolon Mercator
Excellent observation and points made I agree entirely with you.
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