In the cosmic expanse, where galaxies sprawl,
A game unfolds, a celestial brawl.
Star side warriors, in spacesuits don,
With stardust dreams, they're second to none.
Among nebulae's glow, they take their stance,
A dance in the void, a cosmic romance.
Their ships are their steeds, gleaming and bright,
Navigating through interstellar night.
With photon beams and warp drives engaged,
They navigate hazards, their skills fully gauged.
Planets whiz by, each a potential prize,
In this star side game, where destinies rise.
Twinkling constellations mark the field,
Their gleam and their shimmer, a cosmic shield.
Each maneuver, a celestial ballet,
In the star side game, where legends hold sway.
They navigate wormholes, ride solar flares,
Through asteroid belts, they forge their own lairs.
The universe their playground, infinite and vast,
In this star side game, where legends are cast.
Their strategy unfolds in galaxies wide,
In pursuit of victory, they fiercely abide.
With eyes on the stars and hearts full of fire,
They play for the cosmos, their dreams ever higher.
Pulsars pulse rhythm, quasars flash bright,
In this cosmic arena, where day turns to night.
Black holes loom, a perilous maze,
Yet star side warriors press on through the haze.
Through cosmic storms and meteor showers,
They strive for the top, they rise with the hours.
With stardust in veins, they're fearless and bold,
In the star side game, where stories are told.
A hundred battles, a hundred tales,
In this celestial arena where courage prevails.
Legends are born under galaxies' gaze,
In the star side game, through stardust-filled days.
And when the dust settles, the victor stands tall,
A champion of stars, admired by all.
In the cosmic expanse, where galaxies gleam,
The star side game is more than it seems.
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