Metal Mind || Indie Spotlight

Metal Mind is a bullethell rougelite. Don't really have much to say for this segment since practically all bullethell shmups play the same to me.
What I can say is that this game has a bit of charm to it that differentiates it from other similar games like Soul Knight.
This game has practically all the mechanics that make up a modern bullethell rougelite. You've got skills and attributes only apply to a single run while also having upgrades that could carry-over to future sessions.
Gameplay is also a bit run-off-the-mill. Shoot or be shot at; dodge or be hit. Nothing wrong with it, though. Gameplay feels slick and the graphics really enhance the aesthetic that you get while mowing down baddies.
You also have instances where you could earn additional upgrades, weapons, and currency.
My only gripe with this title is that it seems to lack an intriguing story that could pull me in. Still, with all the action being fed into my brain and with a beautiful aesthetic, I guess I could let it slide for now.
In all, Metal Mind is shaping up to be a good contender in the bullethell rougelite subgenre. Here's to hoping that we see more of this game soon!
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