Server Maintenance: Oct. 13th 17:30 ~ 22:00 (UTC)

Hello Heroes! We have received several reports of issues with the game, such as bugs, and we have been working hard to resolve them as quickly as possible. We're happy to announce that we've fixed some of these issues and are ready to release another update. This update will also include Hero, Game Mode, and Item rebalancing. Once the patch list is complete, we will announce the patch notes. During the update, there will be server maintenance between the hours of
Oct. 13th 17:30 ~ 22:00 (UTC) The new patch and bug fixes will be available via the game client updates on Steam and Xbox. If you see an update for the game, please download and update the game after we begin the maintenance. (For Steam users) Please restart your Steam to update your client. Please note that game functions will not work properly while the server is under maintenance. Thank you ✨
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