What's cooler, more powerful, and more dangerous than a wizard? How about a wizard with a GUN?

Gandalf. Dumbledore. Merlin. Everyone knows just how unstoppable a wizard can be. But developer Galvanic Games and publisher Devolver Digital are about to introduce gamers to a magic-slinger with abilities the likes of which we've never seen before. This is Wizard with a Gun.
Beyond just an incredible title and concept, Wizard with a Gun is a sandbox survival/roguelite game with plenty of magic spells, strange monsters to fight, and an in-depth crafting system to be mastered. And on top of all of that, it can be played co-op with a buddy as well. Get all the details in the video posted above.
If crafting bullets and mastering magic sounds like a good time to you, you can check out Wizard with a Gun when it launches on October 17, 2023. It will be available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X and S, and a Nintendo Switch port is planned for the future as well. We'll definitely be playing it ourselves, so stay tuned for TapTap editor impressions soon after launch.
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Tuấn Đinh
Tuấn Đinh
that so cool
Gen Julius Breckenridge
Gen Julius Breckenridge
Word crush
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