👍 Pros:
🎮 Gameplay: 5/5
Hardcore and Tactical gameplay unlike the mobile counter part. It's slow and it's takes time to master. It's a bit stressful and makes you rage quit but rewarding when you get a kill.
🕹️ Controls: 4.5/5
Controls are nothing less than perfect. With realistic recoil this game makes you want to learn it's controls. Only issues are QoL (Quality of Life) issues.
🤼 Combat Mechanics: 5/5
Combat Mechanics are simple and robust. With no extra abilities like other games just a pure unadulterated realistic battle royale game.
🗺️ Map Design: 5/5
As one of the first Battle Royale games this has the best Maps boasting over 6 Maps : Erangel, Sanhok, Vikendi, Karakin, Miramar and Paramo.
🎨Graphics & 🎵Sound : 5/5
Realistic Graphics and sounds with beautiful gun design you can't really give less than 5 stars. As well as impeccable character design. Boasting incredible spacial audio you can't go wrong with this game in this department.
💰 Value for Money: 5/5
It's "Free" can't say much about that can you.
👎 Cons:
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Community : 1/5
Little to no community. The remaining community are Tryhards and Sweats who rarely speak.
⏱️ Load Times: 1/5
Long loadtimes you'll have to use a VPN probably to lower them otherwise the game is great.
🏆 SBMM (Skill Based MatchMaking ): 0/5
It's really shitty. Sometimes you get snipes other you get crappy player with previous experience and probably are your teammates. Ranked Mode is 10$ which is really the only way to get good SBMM otherwise you're screwed.
📖 Conclusion : 4.5/5
A near perfect game with some issues that are not fixed and probably will not get fixed but do enjoy the game. I'll cross my fingers🤞 and hope for the best
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