Overall Rating : 4.5
👍 Pros:
🎮 Gameplay: 5/5
It successfully executed what it is and it is definitely a niche game. It's unlike other Multiplayer games with a unique formula. I truly commend the developers for porting it to mobile.
🕹️ Controls: 4.5
Controls are simple to understand and fluid. The only gripe is the free look. It functions weirdly I think it's a gameplay feature but it's a bit problematic.
📖 Storyline: 3.8/5
It tries to have a storyline but it's not that unique its the overused storyline about zombies.
🎨 Graphics: 4.2/5
For what the game is the graphics are good on mobile unlike other games which look terrible and perform just as worse so a salute to the Devs. Nothing too special just simple graphics powered by good gameplay mechanics.
👥 Multiplayer: 5/5
Multiplayer is decent enough sometimes you'll get good teammates other times you'll get the noobs. It's balanced. Nothing wrong with it.
👎 Cons:
Not much issues. The game is perfect. You'd either hate the genre or dislike the game type to give a worse review.
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