Too many network errors and when you do get in, Ads Everywhere... U exit the game, Ad.. U hit join on a game... Ad, all unskippable.. Ans to top it off after u git join and pass the ad.. It kicks u back to main menu saying network error.. The damn ad was too long... Then if u do get in a game, the lag is horrendous, i had to lower down the graphics and pass another ad to get same results, Lag is everywhere.. Even other players could barely play, i seen a few guys running in place on a 5v5 match... I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone...The game sounds is exactly like CSGO.. the walking, Death animation, even gun handling and sounds. All this game is is a Graphic upgrade of CSGO but with an abundance of ADS!
The only pro to this game is the graphics... And i can barely say that, its clunky, seems grimey, the game is nothing like the trailer, sometimes the butt of the gun goes right into your camera, the guns looks like it came from PS2, you get 0 customization. I almost expected a paid section for whatever reason
Do not download
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