🎮 Gameplay: The gameplay is simple and easy to learn, different cards having different properties, merging cards to make them stronger, etc. A lot of unique ways to upgrade characters, and the materials are easy to get for these upgrades.
📖 Storyline: The story is of high quality, and will definitely get you immersed. There are 4 chapters out with 15 sub-chapters in each of them, so far I've finished chapter 3 and I'm definitely intrigued. The concept is that there is a thing called the 'storm' which is causing destruction. There are two classes of humans, regular humans and arcanists. These are people who can wield magic. There are two important factions (as of now) the Manus vindictae and the foundation. The manus are arcane supremacists, and believe humans are dirt. The foundation is meant to be the good guys, but I can't really comment on them.
💬 Dialogue & Writing: The translations are eh for the most part. It definitely feels half arsed but in my opinion you can understand what is important and what isn't. For some people this might not be the case however. Characters have their unique dialogue which I think adds onto their personality's and overall character.
🎭 Moral Choices: This game sure knows how to tug on your heartstrings... Many characters are faced with the challenge of what's good and bad (for example, Druvis III),  but I think the main character, Vertin, is a good example of this. It will definitely be interesting to see how she will act and who she chooses to serve.
🎨 Graphics: Since the game is 2d, I'd like to give an honorable mention to the backgrounds. They look beautiful :)
🦸 Character Diversity: You'd be surprised at the diversity in this game. Not only do we have genderqueer and girl kissers, there's also objects. Do you want a shard of a mirror called door? R1999 has it! There's a lot of different country rep, and is overall very diverse.
🎵 Sound: I don't pay attention to the bgm nor do I remember it, but it sounds pretty nice. No further comment
🤝 Co-op Features: There is a friends list but no major multiplayer features
👍 Pros: Good game for those who can sit and enjoy a good story, simple gameplay mechanics, diverse cast, good character design and pretty cool in general
👎 Cons: Translations are iffy, not for a person who skips over dialogue
Overall, I was very pleased whilst playing it and definitely am excited for future updates! Can't really find any flaws
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