simple stuff by shaydguy

My advice for elden ring is plan your build accordingly dont pick points out of random or youll screw yourself over again and again
So the first stat you need to level up is VIGOR, LEVEL UP VIGOR to at least 30, vigor is the health stat i is essential to any build recommended builds but if youre going to be one shot build vigor may not be very good, but even still most builds need vigor especially builds like dex and strenght
My next piece of advice is enjoy the game at your own pace, do everything at youre leisure its an open world, explore the map as much as you wish enjoy it with friends or alone. Or make friends as you play
Now advice for pvp and coop players is try to stick to meta level, which is around 150 but if not try to reach the max
This game is not that challenging if you know what youre doing so try to stay calm and not break any controllers, keyboards, mouse, tv, monitor, or even a table
The build i personally recommend is strenght and faith because of its versatility and potential tankyness since endgame enemies hit like a truck and especially her, if you know who i mean then you know what to expect if not well good luck
And i cant stress this enough level up vigor
But thats it just stay calm and enjoy the game for what it is and try to create the  best fashion because i always
"If youre going to die at least die looking youre best"-Shaydguy
Anyway thats practically it,so go and enjoy your adventure tarnished amd dont let those flames of ambition fade
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