So I started playing this game not a while ago,and honestly I absolutely adore it, the artstyle is literally fantastic , the devs putted so much work in it, overall the story is so interesting, seriously time traveling is such a great story plot.         What about grinding?             I mean grinding is clearly not fast, it takes a lot to level up your character just to 40/50,but I'm not complaining.                            Hmm what abt Gacha??         The Gacha is like the other games, you can end up getting a very late 6 star or get a early one.                       Gameplay??                             The gameplay is based on cards, and it is actually pretty easy but it can get boring being an auto combat game.
Lastly is it a f2p friendly gacha? Honestly it is, since you can get an guaranteed 6 star character just by wishing on the starter banner that guarantees you a 6 star by 30 pulls, and you can get that many pulls just from the mail, other than beginner rewards, you can get a lot of pulls just from doing the story, and other different stages, trust me you will love this game.                            Gigabytes: at least 2 gb, depends on voice pack.        👍 Pros: Storyline, Characters,Art style,won't destroy your storage.             👎 Cons: Gameplay can be boring to some people
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It isn't as time "traveling" which the medium, frequently like in many encounters–we have the control over but this game doesn't typically resembles the same over employed concept, rather it portrays a reality where an philastrological phenomena named *storm* seems to rewind the time, more like reversing a process till it's a meaning less, undiscovered myth and it's beautiful .
i don't understand a single sentence of this
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