Go back to Mario's RPG roots with the Super Mario RPG remake

When gamers first discovered way back in 1996 that the RPG geniuses at Square were taking Nintendo's most famous platforming mascot on an adventure, it blew our minds. Mario? As an RPG? How can that possibly work? But oh how it did work. Super Mario RPG ended up being a smash hit that inspired the whole Paper Mario line of spin-offs.
Now more than twenty-five years later, Nintendo is finally revisiting this classic with a full-on remake. Whether you're an older gamer wanting to relive a childhood favorite or someone who was born long after Mario fought his first turn-based battle, this is the perfect opportunity to discover why gamers have been demanding Geno is Smash Bros. for years.
From everything we've seen so far, Super Mario RPG seems to be a very faithful remake of the original, just with modern, hi-def graphics. It will have a few changes, though, including tweaks to the battle system and post-game content allowing players to fight off harder versions of the bosses.
Super Mario RPG will launch for Nintendo Switch on November 17 at a price of $59.99. We'll be sharing our opinions through a quick review from one of TapTap's editors as soon as we can get our hands on it.
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Alan Jesionowski
Alan Jesionowski
do you sell super mario bros u deluxe
Darren Mccarroll
Darren Mccarroll
download the new super Mario game on my phone for free
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