{Join my Club: "LastHope" if ur active player and want to play together}
Before mobile gaming there was console and PC gaming and before that there was arcade,
And Even so the term arcade is considered classic by many people, but still to this day you can find some of the greatest games in arcade classic, and still the developers of this generation struggle to even reach close to what we had almost 20 years ago..
I spend years playing the classic metal slug, and I was one of those children who actually beat any game with one coin, and metal slug 3 was one of the most difficult game for me to finish with 1 coin, but I did finish the entire classic 1/2/3/4/5 metal slug with only 1 coin, after years of training 😆..
And I even uploaded metal slug 1 and X without death gameplay on my older YouTube channel,
so I'm sure you got the idea how much I love this franchise and everything SNK created, like The king of fighters and shock troopers..
so after seeing the metal slug is going back to it's root with android online spin on it, I was honestly not happy and didn't even wanted to play it, but a friend of mine told me I should check it out because he loved the game and told me it's something u going to love it to,
so I couldn't find it in play store but thanks to TapTap I was able to try it out, and I'm so glad that I did,,,
metal slug awakening is nothing like classic and to be honest it's not even fair comparing this with classic, at least not after what kind of games we are getting on Android, mostly are trash developers using famous IP to milk out the game, but in The case of metal slug it's not entirely like other games,
Of course there are many similarity with other games,
Example: The game is online and it has battle pass, it has usual daily quest, it has many of the tropes that we are seeing in Android games, but what is great about metal slug is that everything is smooth,     every mission Is well design, you are playing game and you're completing these quests without even knowing you are actually completing the quest and in my book this is a very solid game design,
The mission are small stage but pretty fun, and there are so many other fun things to do, and  everything is possible without being stuck on pay wall, u don't have to pay to get the stuff because the foundation of grinding in this game is pretty good,,
Over all if I compare this with classic then obviously it's not even close to be good because The basic premise of the game is completely changed, classic metal slug was a arcade shooter,,  even so it was arcade shooter but it was not a cheap game, that game was well designed and if you were very skilled you could literally finish the entire game without dying!!
That was the appeal of the game it was a skill-based hardcore game for hardcore gamer, and metal slug Awakening is a completely different game it's more like a power fantasy type of game with the usual Android RPG mixed up with side scrolling shooter, I don't even know what genre should I call it but I'm sure you guys understand it's a power base game if you have enough power you can complete the stage if you don't have enough power it doesn't matter how skill you are you can't complete the stage..
👍 Pros: beautiful graphics and  classic remix music..
👍 Pros: sold and well design game with fair gacha system..
👎 Cons: the controls can be annoying, auto aim is not that great and manual and does not help that much either because of the unnecessarily annoying reloading system..
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