【2nd CBT】Sacrificed & Redemption

【Blade of God II: Orisols】thrusts you into a realm where Sacrifice and Redemption hold the power to shape the world's destiny. It's not just about climbing leaderboards; it's about the profound impact your choices have on the game's narrative and the balance of power among different player factions.
Prepare for a gripping adventure where your decisions carry tremendous weight. Will you choose to Sacrifice the formidable bosses, unleashing chaos upon the world? Or will you offer them a chance at Redemption, seeking to restore harmony and balance? The consequences of your choices ripple through the game as you navigate the intricate web of alliances and rivalries.
In this immersive world, the impact of Sacrifice and Redemption stretches far beyond personal achievements. Your actions hold the potential to reshape alliances, trigger unforeseen events, and leave a lasting mark on the world of 【Blade of God II: Orisols】.
Leave an indelible mark on the ever-changing landscape of 【Blade of God II: Orisols】. The fate of the world is in your hands. Will you seize the opportunity and become a legendary force to be reckoned with?
►►Redeem code:BOSS
About Blade of God II
The game is based on Nordic mythology. You will be one of the three inheritors, and traveling through the Soul Realm. This is a journey about sacrifice and redemption. Choices made after each battle will subtly alter the fate of the Soul Realm. You will shuttle through three world lines: Voidom, Primglory, and Trurem, to finally achieve the original Attractor Field. Defeated monsters are transformed into Soul Cores, making Inheritors stronger for future challenges..
For the gods, Ragnarok brought only oblivion.You, Inheritors, are now the last guardians.
Mentioned games
Finally, Blade of God II! Can't wait to champion the Soul Realm.
Is there an official version yet? I can't buy new classes in the store
Hi, I am currently playing the game on IOS and I have a few questions. 1 - I am not sure if I am using a real log-in or a guest account, the game UI is in Chinese and I remember just clicked a big red button to log-in. Would this matter in the future? - does early testers get a reward on release? 2- Like I mentioned above, the game UI is in Chinese, how I can change this in IOS? 3- When is this game coming out to the west? 4- This game honestly feels like a PC game crammed into a mobile device... when are you going to release a PC version? I saw a STEAM version for CN. 5- I've noticed the game's Discord server has been pretty quiet lately. I've tried to reach out with questions and feedback via direct messages, but unfortunately, I haven't received any responses. Also, the Twitter and Facebook accounts seem to be locked. This is making it hard for the community to stay informed and engaged. Any chance we could get some updates or insights into what's going on? I appreciate the work you're doing, and a bit of communication would go a long way in keeping the community strong and active. Thank you for your time! :D
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