Walkthroughs of Defensive Frontline

   The player shares his experience about the last two stages of the 3rd anniversary mini-event Defensive Frontline with us. Thank you for his time and sharing!
   Hi, I’m back and bring my recommendations for the last two stages.
Stage 6:
   I passed it in my first try and here is my set: ‘Posion Rain, Lightning Arrow, Adrenaline, Split Arrow’ Poison Rain and Lightning Arrow are very good partners to cause AOE damage, it’s very useful in this event.
Stage 7:
   The Boss show very early in this stage (Three bosses will appear in 2nd, 3rd and 4th wave respectively.) Remember kill the Immortal Bird first because she can birth many bees. If you don’t kill her asap, the huge number of bees will reach the number limit and you will fail directly. Poison Rain is the best first skill, which can kill enemies in a short time and you could get more skill balls earlier. The combo of Poison Rain and Ice Attack will freeze enemy, so my set is ‘Poison Rain, Lightning Arrow, Ice Attack, Adrenaline
   The Ice Attack and Adrenaline can be replaced by Split Arrow and Fire Attack. It’s another recommendation set ‘Lightning Arrow, Split Arrow, Fire Attack, Poison Rain’. The combo of Lightning Arrow, Split Arrow, Fire Attack could also kill a group of enemies in a short time.
   This mini-event really costs much time but only give a little reward, I think it’s a bad design. However, it’s still very cheerful and fulfilled after finishing all the stages. :) It would be nice to set a ranking board and offer more rewards or some special memorials rewards like exclusive dynamic portrait and portrait frame. Hope the game dev could adopt my idea!
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Hey, great job on the guide! Helped me big time. Totally get your point about the rewards, they can feel a bit underwhelming given how tough some of these challenges. The ranking board idea is neat! An exclusive badge or something would be cool too.
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