hi3 is one of the most loved games of mine. i’m planning on playing it in the future, just i don’t know when
🎮 Gameplay: it does have a complex system but it makes it more fun to play! it has a dodge system and if you time it right, you’ll take the advantage! the skills and combos you can make are insane, though it can be a bit chunky, you’re able to work around it. animation with the ultimate and skills are awesome.
📖 Storyline: Comparing it to Genshin (sorry genshin players) it has way more depth to the story. the animations makes it more heartbreaking and intense, it shows a lot of character development. Like the main character in the game, Kiana, experienced a lot and was way more different compared to what she was at the start.
🎨 Graphics: The graphics of the game can be pretty low at some points if you’re running it on a bad or mediocre device. The 3d animations aren’t as good compared to the 2d anime animations.
🎵 Sound: The music is a wonders. If you look on youtube there are many theme songs that are a banger and it really shows it. The environment music is also pretty subtle but really impactful. there really aren’t so great environment SOUNDS however. I think it could use some improvement.
i haven’t played honkai in a while so my reviews are pretty outdated. there might really be some improvement so don’t take my word’s seriously. if you wanna play, go for it! it’s really fun :]
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