🎮 Gameplay: This Is One of the Better mobile mobile games cuz It splits his casual and its competitive community cuz of trophies and modes (0-20k trophies= Casual 21+ trophies= competitive) (Solo= Casual Duo Duels and 3v3s= Competitive)
🕹️ Controls: Good asf no Need to add anithing
📖 Storyline: Sooo The StoryLine here Is more of a community SH with starr park and everything elese but that does Not mean that Is not good heck the confirmed lore Is good and logical?
🎨 Graphics: Cant Say enything they are good
🎵 Sound: Voice Acting Is fitting for most of the brawlers and The menu songs are Amazing
👥 Multiplayer: Good And not laggy (if you don't have a bad wifi)
💰 Value for Money: Good asf tho this does Not mean Its p2w
🦸 Character Diversity: Every Charaters Is different (that are not girl-notrobot brawlers of 2022-2023)
📈 Skill Trees & Abilities:  Gagets Star powers are good Gears are Decents (i cant rank hypers cuz they are still new)
👩‍👧‍👦 Character Customization: Amazing
👍 Pros: mostly everything
This Is a review typed by a mostly PvP player That spent 60€ on the game played since April of 2019 Lost 1 account at 3k trophies (Lost in September 2019) and now has 24.5k trophies
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Your review is spot-on! Happy to meet a fellow Brawl Star enthusiast.
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