A charming pixelated ARPG goodness | Review - Soul Knight Prequel

✨Overview Soul Knight is a relatively generic name; in fact, on Steam, there are at least two other games that share it. However, the specific "Soul Knight" we are covering is the one made by ChillyRoom, initially released way back in 2017. Now, five years later, we find ourselves on the brink of a new adventure with the release of Soul Knight Prequel. Soul Knight Prequel marks a departure from the roguelite roots of its predecessor, introducing players to a more expansive and persistent world of action RPG (ARPG) gameplay. Boasting its own narrative set before the events of the original Soul Knight, unique characters, and a blend of pixel art and 3D graphics, Soul Knight Prequel aims to captivate both fans of the original and newcomers alike.
+Charming graphics and art style +Deep ARPG gameplay and mechanics +Diverse classes, including secondary and hybrid classes +Open ended farming and looting gameplay loop +Hub village and lots of customization
-Simple story that did not compel me to play -Over-the-top visual clutter limiting gameplay visibility -Online-only requirement ⭐️Score: 7/10
📖Story and Premise
Soul Knight Prequel unravels a tale of intrigue and chaos as the Sophoract, the keeper of peace across the continent, falls victim to sabotage. The enigmatic assailant's actions lead to the disappearance of the curators, Archknight and Archwizard. Players find themselves at the epicenter of this turmoil, thrust into a world where the once-stable forces of order have been disrupted. The quest unfolds as characters explore dungeons, face intense battles, and strive to restore balance by uncovering the mysteries behind the sabotage. Honestly, I did not find the story that compelling; it’s very simple and for me it only serves to set the stage for the ARPG goodness that the game is focusing on. 🎨Graphics and Art Style
Staying true to the charm of its predecessor, Soul Knight Prequel presents a delightful blend of 2D pixel art and pixelated 3D enviroments. The visuals maintain the colorful and vibrant aesthetic established by Soul Knight, yet they evolve with more resolution and enhanced lighting. The result is a visually pleasing world that captures the essence of the original while offering a fresh and updated experience. The soundtrack though is a bit lacking; It's charmingly decent and lighthearted, but it could use more variety especially during combat, because it still plays those lighthearted soundtrack during intense action-packed moments. 🎮Gameplay
The gameplay of Soul Knight Prequel is characterized by its ARPG nature. As players and created characters delve into dungeons in an ARPG style reminiscent of Diablo, the emphasis is on real-time action, colorful visuals, and strategic combat. The game retains the essence of its predecessor, offering an extensive loop of dungeon crawling, loot acquisition, and character improvement. There’s two gameplay modes to start the game; The self-explanatory Story mode, and Adventure which cuts all the narrative and jumps straight into the ARPG goodness. The home village that you’ll encounter early on in the story will serve as a hub for various activities and interactions with NPCs; Merchants, traders, and smiths provide avenues for resource management and gear improvement, as well as the option to see and switch to your other characters, as well as see other players too. You also get your own space that you can customize the interior with furnitures and preferred colorways. ⚔️Combat
The combat system in Soul Knight Prequel retains the intensity and excitement of the original, with fast-paced battles and an array of powerful and visually spectacular skills. Players can select from seven different initial characters, each possessing unique classes that go beyond your typical archetypes. Here we have Warrior, Archer, Tempest Mage, Animancer, Aegis, Thief, and Pyromancer. In addition, you also unlock a secondary class further on, and even hybrid class even much further, adding diversity and depth to the combat and progression system, allowing for varied strategies and playstyles. However, the over-the-top and tantalizing visuals towards the tail end of the game’s progression might become a double-edged sword, as in moments of intense action or when the screen is filled with various effects, it tends to block what’s happening and obscure what’s actually happening to the characters, especially that the visual fidelity is limited by its 2D pixel art style. The multiplayer aspect enhances the experience, with both local LAN co-op and plans for remote online co-op, promising engaging battles and collaborative gameplay. ⏫Progression
Soul Knight Prequel emphasizes character progression and personalization. The traditional ARPG elements of leveling up, alotting attributes and skill points, farming for loot, finding gear and equipping your characters six slots of equipment: Necklaces, Rings, Boots, Helmets, Armors, and Weapons — with no class restrictions. At level five, there is a secondary class, while level 8 unlocks powerful hybrid/combo classes. Upgrading gear are enhanced with a unique set item system called Fatebounds, that exists as magical properties of rare items, in which proper synergy and combination can result into massive bonuses. This is essentially a refreshing take on the “Set Items System” we always see in these ARPG games. This system introduces synergies and combinations, offering players the opportunity to strategize and optimize their characters for maximum efficiency. Customization extends to skills, allowing players to tailor their skill hotbar to their preferred playstyle. There are also cute little pets to follow you around, which can be collected, trained, and adopted, that adds a charming and loyal companion to accompany players on their adventures. As mentioned earlier, players can also customize, decorate, and design their home, including arranging the furnitures around, a small but neat detail that adds some degree of customization and personalization to the player. 💵Monetization
Soul Knight Prequel is a free to play game but includes in-game purchases. It has some minor gacha elements, implemented through the purchase of chests containing potentially powerful gear. While the majority of items can be obtained through exploration, the in-game purchases adds an extra layer of progression for those looking to accelerate their character's development with real money all while supporting the makers of the game. 📊Technical Performance
Performance wise, the game performed smoothly on my Snapdragon 888 device. A fluid 60fps while inside the town and some big acceptable drops when the visual clutter is dialed down to 11.  I would love it if the performance stability can reach a flat 60 fps though, since the game only sports a pixel art style. I haven’t encountered any game breaking bugs.
A bit unfortunate , is that the game is online-only, which is a bummer especially since it’s a mobile APRG. Players will always be at the mercy of their internet connection and the server’s stability. For example, I’ve had minor connectivity issues during my testing. ⚖️Conclusion
Soul Knight Prequel builds upon the charm of its predecessor but steers the franchise in a new but adjacent direction by offering an engaging ARPG experience with deep mechanics, good itemization, and open ended gameplay loop. Despite drawbacks such as its weak story and online only requirements, Soul Knight Prequel earns a commendable recommendation for me for both fans of the original roguelite game and newcomers seeking an exciting Action RPG adventure.
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is a Crash game say global but the eu servers is down only play whit ch vpn
you Take money for say that no?
just keeps on server error 😞
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