a gacha game that is absolutely worth playing

- graphics: absolutely amazing. The lighting design in battles, ultimates, ui design, etc are just breath taking
- music: fitting and gorgeous
- story presentation: lv2d(characters and some cg art), cg, and amount of story per battle are all well made/designed
- Story: although I'm not a story person, 1999's story is interesting.
- vibe. 100000/10
- voice acting: GO USE EN VOICE YALL 😡👊 En voice not only has accents/foreign languages, it fits the game more than other languages. The game was designed to be played with English voice, you will be losing a lot of experience if you're playing with other languages. (Eg: Matilda is a proud French and she speaks French when talking to herself. She speaking Japanese voice would be out of character)
- event pacing: 1 major event per month(2*6 stars per month). Each major event is split into 2 parts, with personal stories and mini games besides the main event story
- not grindy. You have 4x speed auto battle. I think the lack of stamina is the bigger issue
- character design: 100000000/10 yes we have a playable dog, knight with nothing but arms, a tv girl, floating apple, etc. the character designs also contain a lot of references/easter egg if you dig deeply into them. The gender ratio is around 3:1(female:male, excluding non-human/genderless), and the game currently has one male character per update.(from 1.1-1.5)
Neutral/ random notes:
- gameplay: as a person who does not like open worlds and generally prefer 2d games, I personally do like the gameplay. It contains a decent amount of strategy without being too challenging. But I do understand that turn based game may not be everyone's type.
- the game is meant to be a side game instead of a main
- the friend system currently has no use. Can we at least borrow characters or smth? Idk
- although no character is unplayable without pots(no mechanics/talent that is unlocked by pots), pots do bring benefits
- we need more stamina lol
- leveling up character may be hard (early game)
- I do think the quality of character's art is a bit unstable. Also it's sorta annoying that you can only use the lv2d ver of the character on the main page bc sometimes it's the i2 art(splash art you get after promoting the character) that I like
Overall comment: I've been following this game since cn beta, and I absolutely love it! 100% recommended
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Son of Rome
Son of Rome
Yea it’s pretty damn good dude! & I haven’t spent any money yet. Also I’ve saved up every clear drop that I could! Still adding to the stash. I’m waiting for the 2nd phase of 1.3 banner. Waiting for Black Dwarf!
u finished the story mode?
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