After playing the CBT version, here’s what I thought:
📖 Storyline: You’re a traveler from another world that basically fell trough a portal into the revelation world and is now trying to go back. During this journey you join the adventurers guild as a cover to a secret club in said guild of travelers from a different world. The storyline then goes over to exploring the open world and that’s about all I could understand from it.
The English version of the SEA version was pretty alright to understand, but they messed it all up in the global version. Translations are weird and don’t always make sense and the storyline is more confusing and seems pretty chopped up.
👍 graphics: The game graphics and sounds are BEAUTIFUL. The map system is unique and allows you to explore most of the open world which is beautifully designed. Character customization offers a lot of settings to create your unique character. Characters are also not gender locked as is the case in many similar mmos.
👎 classes: Not all characters have been released and among all classes, the occultist class is the only class maxing out pretty much all areas of the skill hexagon, being multitalented in healing and dps. Although there is a class singled out as healing class, occultist can for the most part do their job while still being one of the best dps classes yet released. Eventually more classes will be added from the sea version, that might also perform better, but singling out a class to be op right at the start of the game leads to a lot of players playing occultist and dropping the other classes early on.
👎 p2w: Even before the official release, revelation mobile is already highly encouraging people to spend money. During the beta version, players were offered a rebate for the official release for spending certain amounts of money leading a lot of players to already spend a lot of money to get ahead in the rankings once the game officially launches.
The various gacha systems for familiars and costumes are already enhancing the p2w aspect, but with all the extra offers, as a f2p it will be impossible to keep up in the ranks, so unless you like to spend money on these kind of games, or you don’t play competitive and thus don’t mind the p2w around you, it will be quite discouraging.
👎 Auto Game: as is the case in many of these Chinese mmorpgs, you can basically run the entire game on auto mode. You just need to tab somewhere once in the while and the game plays itself. While it might be helpful in the early game to have an auto function to navigate your to certain areas and npcs that you don’t know the whereabouts of yet, it’s literally just dull staring at the screen while watching the game run on its own. There are certain small quests that require you to find special spots and sceneries without the auto path, but the majority of quests, dungeons and events are run auto.
Overall I cannot recommend revelation mobile that much. It feels like just another Chinese mmorpg pushed on the market to make quick money. It may have top graphics, but there is not really anything to single it out from similar mmos, making it’s a generic game just like many others out there.
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The p2w aspect is truly overwhelming, it's losing real gamers.
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