TapTap Game of the Year 2023 #10: Jusant - a top-tier platformer with extremely chill vibes

In the ever-expansive world of video games, where each title vies for attention, it can be easy to overlook truly innovative titles. One game stood out to me in 2023 as a true gem that deserves everyone’s attention: Jusant.
Jusant’s slick controls made me feel like I was climbing a mountain, but it was the game’s outside-of-the-box storytelling that really drew me in.  Since the game stars a voiceless protagonist, it uses a unique form of show-don’t-tell storytelling to get the narrative across.
Jusant’s breathtaking visuals, reminiscent of Journey, also drew my attention right from the start, making me want to explore this enchanting world. The attention to detail births an atmospheric and expansive visual style that immediately immersed me in a world of majestic mountains, precarious ledges, and captivating scenery. It’s a visual masterpiece, creating a beautiful yet slightly foreboding landscape that held my attention from the very beginning.
Never having done any serious mountain climbing before, I fully expected to be bombarded with complex button combinations and intricate mechanics, but Jusant adopts a more intuitive approach. Climbing is the main action, and the controls seamlessly mimic the real-life motions of scaling a mountain. The use of triggers to simulate alternating hand movements adds a layer of realism that makes every ascent feel like an accomplishment. By the time I’d completed the game—easily doable in a brisk and delightful four to six hours—I wanted to go on more virtual mountaineering expeditions. This should be a thing!
But hands down, it’s Jusant’s unique approach to storytelling that makes it special. The game is a testament to the power of narrative without spoken words. A compelling tale unfolded as I ascended higher into the unknown. Climbing the mountain was more than just a physical challenge; it was a metaphysical journey into the mysteries of Jusant’s universe. I felt like a fledgling archaeologist, exploring the ruins of a long-gone culture and piecing together the story of what happened to these people from tiny scraps of information—letters, diary entries, and even just snippets of the environment itself.
That’s why Jusant was one of the best games of 2023 to me, and why I strongly recommend everyone check it out. This title showcases the mastery of environmental storytelling. It crafts an adventure that transcends a traditional vocabulary in favor of the universal language of exploration and discovery.
Check out the rest of TapTap's Game of the Year 2023 picks at this link, and share your own choices in the comments or by making a post and using the tag #TapTap GOTY 2023.
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