Hey guys I know I have been out for a while but here I am, and not empty handed I got a funny game to show you all and that's clash of clans a game that's been out and popular for a while and am gonna show you why.🎮 📖 Storyline: the game starts of as you the village chief who just returned from a journey and then finds his village under attack by evil goblins, here you have to set a quick counter attack with defenses and walls to protect your town and villagers and as you progress you'll be given more walls and artillery defenses for the threat will become larger and larger.                                       
🎮 Gameplay: as the name suggests you'll have to register yourself in a clan as quick as possible, this can be done by rebiulding the old destroyed clan doing so you'll be able to join or create clans of your own but personally I suggest you join a clan at first to help you booster your troops and defenses because your still new to the game. And in the case of upgrades which in this game you'll be doing alot of I suggest that you click on the builder icon at the top of your screen to see what he suggests for you.
For more about the game leave a comment to let me know that you want more like this or if your already playing the game but having one or two troubles then leave a comment that tells me the problem and I'll be sure to help,also support my clan in other various groups and clash of clans web page or you can simply join the clan in the game me and my team will be waiting here in laughing coffin ,prince ikpor is the leader
And that being said please enjoy the game
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